Calling the curious
And those with an eager desire to learn more...
Notes for the Curious began as an experiment. I wanted to see if it was possible to create a something which actually added value to people's inboxes instead of contributing to the clutter we have to process every day.
I love information, I am very much a life long learner. But there is so much noise and nonsense out there on the internet these days. I knew that the best value I could provide for my readers would be to filter everything I was reading and only bring them the very best of what I was discovering.
I curate this information into the Notes every two weeks. The topics vary but are broadly relevant to community building, running a small business and creating a life you love right now, not in 10 years time.
My hope is that readers can take away something new and actionable from every edition of the Notes. And I think it's working, you can see some of the reader feedback in the What They Say section above. Nothing makes me happier than hearing that the Notes is something that people don't unsubscribe from.
WHy I make each edition available to read before you sign up
Now, I know what it's like to hand over your email address to someone and then not receive what you thought you were signing up for. Before you know it, you're in the middle of a sales funnel you never wanted to be in. Which is why you can find a copy of the latest Notes in the Latest Edition section (scroll back to the top of this page to see it). That way you know, before you sign up, what you will be receiving and then you can head straight over to the Get Your Copy tab to sign up to receive your own copy of the Notes in your inbox every two weeks. You'll get one welcome message and then the next edition will arrive when it is released. That's it. No fuss, no funnel. I create the Notes for the joy of sharing everything I’m learning, I want you to sign up because you enjoy reading them.
The Notes is more than a curated digest, it's a peek inside my brain and part of a conversation between me and you. I love getting messages, suggestions and questions back from readers so don't be a stranger.
I'm looking forward to getting to know you,
P.S. If you want the super-geeky insider look at how I process all the information and put the Notes together every fortnight then I put it together in a blog post to celebrate the first year of the Notes: One Year of Notes for the Curious.
“THE best email newsletter out there. SOLID content Emmy!!”
“Another great newsletter Emmy! Every one is a master class in how newsletters should be.”
“Thank you so much Emmy. I always find your emails very enriching and full of information!”
“This is a thank you note for all the great work and content you send our way with the Notes for the Curious. It’s clear you put work on it and it’s clear you select and provide quality information that matters to most of us subscribers. This newsletter is the only one I actually read slowly like training material.
“Thanks for yet another wonderful notes, I think I’ve clicked all the links, as usual! Like you I unsubscribe all the time, yours is one of about 3 that I read.”
“I’m starting to feel like these notes are tailored specifically toward me. I need to go back through and click on the links for the details. But this Notes seems to target all the Hubba I feel I need to work on right now. Thanks.”
“Can I just say you seriously AMAZE me! I finally registered for your notes for the curious ...and WOW... I set some time aside this afternoon to really read through it and check out the links... and you were not kidding when you said what you send will be worth it! I will need to set aside more time.. as there are so many nuggets of knowledge to help me get up and running. Thanks for sharing the knowledge and letting me be part of your tribe.”
Are you Curious?
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