The Power of Masterminds

The Power of Masterminds: Introducing the Change Maker Collective

Do any of these sound familiar to you?

You’ve been running your business for a while and have a steady(ish) stream of clients but you can’t seem to break through to the next level in your business.

You want to make time for planning and goals but you’re always so busy with the day-to-day that you never quite get around to it.

You you have a secret big dream for your business, such as speaking on stage, writing a book, or building a solid waitlist of clients but you can’t imagine when you’re going to find the time to do it and now when anyone asks you about it you say “maybe next year…”

If you do what you’ve always done, you’ll get what you’ve always got.

I know exactly how you feel, because I’ve been there too. Running a busy not-for-profit alongside growing my own consultancy, being a mama and a wife and a friend I constantly felt that there was never enough time in my day. I felt so frustrated, because I had big dreams and big goals that weren’t getting realised because they seemed impossible to find time for.

One day, I found that I had simply had enough of letting everything else in my life dictate how I spent my time. Something had to change and I knew that I was the only person who could change it. I decided it was time to take back control, laser in on my goals and start creating the business and the life I truly wanted to lead.

I learnt that I had exactly enough time in every day as long as I was willing to focus on the things which moved me closer to my goals.

I learnt that saying no to the wrong things, battling through fear of missing out and shiny object syndrome, allowed me to say HELL YES! to all the right things that came along to fill their place.

I learnt that by choosing the right small actions I could leverage big outcomes which moved me exponentially closer to my goals in less time with less effort.

And now I help people just like you do the same thing.

One is the loneliest number

But I didn’t do it alone. As I levelled up to the life I wanted to lead, I made sure that I surrounded myself with people who were also working for their big goals.

For me, the difference between achieving my goals and planning to achieve my goals was making sure that I had the support of other people. Masterminds, groups of people who come together to inspire each other and hold each other accountable, have always played a powerful part in my business. I have been in several different mastermind groups over the years and all of them have helped to push me out of my comfort zone towards the place I need, and wanted, to be.

As I worked with other entrepreneurs, I noticed that a common thread amongst all of them was that they felt alone in their business. They were successful, they were working so hard for their clients, they had such amazing dreams for the future, but they felt isolated.

More and more frequently I found that I was asking my clients “where does your support come from?” and often recommending to them that in addition to the work we were doing that they might also want to join a mastermind group. But it wasn’t that easy for them.  Either they didn’t know the right people or they had tried masterminds before and found themselves in groups that didn’t help them for one reason or another. Some had joined groups with less experienced business owners and found that they were then in the role of coach or guide at every session without anyone who could provide guidance on their challenges. Some had joined groups with friends and meet-ups turned into fun chats rather than powerful accountability sessions. Others had tried paid masterminds only to find that the facilitator was barely present and provided little input on what the group was doing.

I realised that the structure and format which had been so beneficial to me, simply was not available to others. And I also knew that I could change that.

Making the change

By combining the most powerful elements of the masterminds I had been in, together with my strategic knowledge of how to structure your business to achieve your goals I knew that I could create a group experience which would measurably increase people’s results. With my background in community building, I would also be able to bring together the right business owners in each round to ensure that they every group was as matched as possible in terms of experience and goals. I also instinctively knew that it was essential to keep the groups small so that everybody felt heard, everybody got individual focus on their business and nobody got left behind.

I called this new hybrid of masterminding and mentoring The Change Maker Collective because I wanted to establish from the outset that this is a place in which we come together to work as a team. No more isolation, no more loneliness, no more figuring it out by yourself. From the moment you joined The Collective, you would know that you were part of a shared, collaborative experience.

How The Collective creates the change you want to see

Each round of The Collective begins with an in-depth planning session, where we find your focus (spoiler alert: it’s not always what you think it is!) and map out the actions you will take to achieve your goal in the next 12-weeks.

Every month we have a group mentoring call with planned hot seats to bring individual attention to your wins and challenges. We draw on the knowledge and wisdom of all the members in the group to work on your business and leave you ready to tackle the next steps.

In between, we stay connected through our online group and pop-up Power Hour coworking sessions where we come together for one hour to cross an item off our to-do lists before saying goodbye and getting on with the rest of our day.

Combining focus, planning and accountability along with peer support and mentoring makes The Collective a powerful place for you as a business owner to be.

Everyone is rooting for you to succeed, and if you’re having a bad day, everyone is there to gently guide you back on track. As the facilitator of The Collective, I make sure that I am fully present with guidance, advice and cheerleading. You are no longer on your own. You are part of something bigger.

Is The Collective right for you?

My goal for The Collective is to fill it with the most interesting, goal getting, supportive business owners.

You will know if it is the right place for you if:

  • You are fed up of building your business alone and thrive in the company of others
  • You are ready to make more impact, more income and more influence
  • You know that you do better when you say your goals out loud and have others around you to help keep you accountable.

If this sounds like you then we should talk. Participation in The Collective is by application only to ensure that the right business owners are matched to the right groups. I want to talk to you about the goals and dreams you have. To apply for a place in the next round, fill out an intake form and we will schedule a time to talk about your goals and your dreams for your business and how that fits with the life you want to lead. If the Collective is the right place for you to be then you will be matched into the next round and we will start working towards your goals, together. Are you ready?

P.S. If you are in your first couple of years of business and are still working out the structure, systems and strategy for your business then The Collective will not be the right place for you right now. I would encourage you to look at The Change Maker Programme which is more focused on the early stages of business and the core skills you need to have in place during that phase.


If you want more systems and strategies to help you work on your business instead of in your business, then you'll love my Notes for the Curious. It's published every two-weeks and delivered straight to your inbox. Notes for the Curious is a curated digest of everything I am learning and loving about running a business and living a life on purpose. From time management, to goal setting, community building to confidence boosting as well as systems and tools to make your life easier, we will cover it all.

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